Siya Raymond full biography: Music, Acting, Big Brother and personal life

Siya Raymond (born 23 October 1995) full name is Siyabonga Sepotokole Raymond is a 28-year-old South African actor and singer well known as Lehasa on Keeping Score SABC 2. Currently playing Sakhile on Smoke and Mirrors.

He appeared on Impilo, Isibaya, as Njabulo on The River and is currently playing Donald Nondumo on 1Magic television drama Lingashoni.

Read this biography to learn more about him and his personal life and career. As well as how he got into acting and singing.

Biography Profile of Siya Raymond

Siya Raymond who plays Sakhile on Smoke and Mirrors etv
Siya Raymond who plays Sakhile on Smoke and Mirrors etv

Full name: Siyabonga Raymond Sepotokele
Date of birth: October 23, 1995
Age: 28 years old
Place of birth: Soweto, Gauteng
Occupation: Actor and Singer
Known as: Donald Nondumo on Lingashoni, Sakhile on Smoke & Mirrors
Height: 1.75m
Net worth: $200,000
Nationality: South African

Early age of Siyabonga Sepotokele

On October 23, 1995, Siyabonga Raymond Sepotokele was born. He was raised in Soweto, in South Africa’s Gauteng Province. Moreover, Siya says that because he was raised among elder people, he developed a passion for music.

When he began singing in grade 6 at Sivuleleni Primary School, his musical abilities quickly became apparent. Little Siya was often referred to as a “special kid” because of his exceptional charisma.

Siya refers to his late mother, Phyllis Sepotokele, as his first agency since she would spread the word about her son’s skill. [1]

Siya Raymond whose full name is Siyabonga Raymond Sepotokole played Njabulo on The River
Siya Raymond whose full name is Siyabonga Raymond Sepotokole played Njabulo on The River

He first met Tsietsi Mofokeng, one of South Africa’s well-known producers, in sixth grade. So, he was trained and nurtured by Tsietsi, and at the age of 13, he began singing classical music.

While many would contend that talent alone constitutes artistic ability, you could argue the opposite with Siyabonga Raymond Sepotokele.

When he received a scholarship to attend St. David’s Private School in Sandton, his life took a significant change. He walked onto a big production that the school was planning just here.

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Education of Siya Sepotokele

After attending Sivuleleni Primary School, Siya received financial aid to attend St. David’s Marist Inanda Private School.

“In my brain, I planned to finish school at Sivuleleni Primary, then transfer to Bona Comprehensive School, then either Selelekela or Bhukulani High School to take the standard subjects.

By exposing me to arts themes, St. David’s Marist Inanda helped me realize there was more to life, according to Siya. He studied business studies, geography, and music, but he preferred math and biology. [2]

Acting career of Siya Raymond Sepotokele

Siya Sepotokele did not pursue acting as a career. Moreover, the middle of 2016, he appeared in a minor cameo on the fourth season of the Mzansi Magic serial opera isiBaya.

Moreover, he had simultaneous appearances on four different shows in 2019: Impilo: The Scam, The River, The Republic on Mzansi Magic, and Grassroots on 1Magic. He played Njabulo on The River for three seasons.

Moreover, in the SABC2 serial Keeping Score, Siya played the lead part of Lehasa, Mmamosa’s youngest son who inherited his mother’s good looks, sex appeal, and business sense.

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Personal Life

While not much is known about his personal life. He does share most of his moments on his Instagram profile. Moreover, aside from acting, he has appeared in a Big Brother Mzansi episode that included the likes of Thato Dithebe or President Thato and others like Robot boii.

Siya Raymond modern career

Siya was cast as Sechaba in the 2020 episode of the SABC2 serial opera Muvhango. Sechaba was a doctor, a cancer survivor, and Imani’s (Zonke Mchunu) love interest. Thereafter, in 2021, he was cast as Donald Nondumo in season 1 of Lingashoni.

Donald just wed Mpumi (by Lerato Nxumalo), the daughter of Mr. Cele (by Patrick Mofokeng). In addition, Siya declared in July that he will be going back to The RIVER.

Where he plays an attractive mining manager who shocked the Dikanas and the audience when he first displayed his sexiness.

As the plot develops, he finds himself torn between a fiancé (Andile), whose family helped establish his life, and a hidden lover (Mondli). And as of 2023, the actor landed the role of Sakhile on Smoke and Mirrors, where he plays the role of Nthabiseng’s husband.

Music career of Sepotokele

Siya is currently working on an album. Though he dropped out of music school he never gave up on music.

“I am currently in studio working with a very dope producer; I’ve got a very good friend of mine writing all the stuff that I am going to be recording. People should be on the lookout for my music offering which will definitely be out before the end of this year,” he said.

Filmography: Television

TV series – character – season

  • #Karektas – Celebrity Guest (as Siya Raymond) – Season 2
  • Broken Vows – Thapelo – Season 1
  • Grassroots – Tau Lesolle – Season 1
  • Impilo: The Scam – Mac’able – Season 1
  • Isibaya – Zama’s Boyfriend – Season 4
  • Is’phindiselo – Chris – Season 1
  • Keeping Score – Lehasa Letsie – Season 1
  • Lingashoni – Donald Nondumo – Season 1
  • Muvhango – Sechaba – Season 1
  • Single Galz – Tich – Season 2
  • The Republic – Karabo – Season 1
  • The River -Njabulo – Season 1 to Season 4
  • Vutha – Season 1

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Net Worth

According to estimates, the actor has an estimated net worth of around $200,000 as of 2023. And sources like savannah estimate his salary at around R25,000-R35,000 as of 2023.

Social media

Like most modern era celebrities, the actor is most active on instagram than any other social media platform. And his username is @siya_raymond and he has over 37K followers as of 2023.


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